Filling an Advocacy Void.
Since 2005.
Our Story
FuturePorts believes that a vibrant and healthy economic and environmental future for the ports is vital to us all. We must meet the ports' environmental challenges. But to do this, it is essential that we build needed marine and landside shipping facilities and improve our transportation corridors. Without these improvements, congestion and air quality will only worsen.
Inaction or delay is not an option. In order to green the ports, we must grow them. And growth without environmental stewardship is a thing of the past. FuturePorts advocacy is founded on the belief that a symbiotic relationship between the ports and surrounding communities is essential to healthy communities and region-wide economic vitality.
FuturePorts was founded in 2005 to help coalesce the port industry around the need to both grow the ports and to address the environmental, air quality, and quality of life issues that come with that growth.
Our members feel a sense of urgency to address issues that hinder growth and lead to increased capital costs or excessive burdens on industry. We share a deep commitment to educating the public, regulatory bodies, and elected leaders about the fragile goods movement industry that drives our region's prosperity. While it may seem that the ports and industry are a "piggy bank" for amenities and concessions, the business case must be made for every new cost additive. Cargo is like water, it will find the path of least resistance. Resources are in fact limited and delays cost taxpayers in increased capital expenditures and residents in lost job opportunities.
The time is now to make your voice heard as the goods movement industry, government agencies and the community are fully engaged in critical debates in Southern California, Sacramento and Washington, D.C. about the future of our ports.
Our Goals
Support successful completion/approval of strategic Goods Movement-related Environmental Impact Reports
Ensure the adoption of fact-based and rational regulatory actions
Be the essential membership organization for those engaged in Southern California Goods Movement
Educate and advocate about the value of Ports and industry environmental and sustainability efforts
Practice good governance best practices and effective resource management to support our advocacy
Our Values
Environmental stewardship
Quality of Life | LeadershiP | Integrity
FuturePorts 10 Year Anniversary Video
Our Purpose
To ensure a healthy economic and environmental future supporting sustainable growth for the Southern California Supply Chain.
FuturePorts advances economic & environmental opportunities to sustain Southern California as a global center of trade.
To realize the modernization of the Southern California Ports in order to maintain their competitiveness through the successful completion of their development programs allowing for the economically viable and environmentally sustainable growth of the Ports.
What We do
FuturePorts is dedicated to ensuring a balanced course that meets Southern California’s economic, environmental and social goals through the green growth of its Ports and will:
Serve as a regional voice for our members at local, state and federal regulatory and legislative agencies on issues affecting the San Pedro Bay, San Diego and Hueneme port complexes and its industry providers; monitor and report on these agency actions.
Participate in agency planning programs and decision-making.
Formulate policy positions on planning and regulatory issues affecting the ports and shipping supply chain.
Establish pro-active approaches to environmental issues by promoting port and industry stewardship and emphasizing the importance of balanced, reasonable and cost-feasible strategies.
Establish pro-active approaches to promoting economic benefits of ports and goods movement, such as the number and types of jobs created throughout the State.
Identify local and regional solutions to eliminate traffic congestion bottlenecks and achieve much-needed air quality improvements.
Identify critical construction projects and develop strategies for eliminating or reducing delays in project funding, environmental permitting and construction.
Increase public awareness and knowledge about the value of the ports and related industry services for the community at large